Collecting Through a Potter’s Eyes

Handling an exceptional piece can be a moving experience. When my hands touch it I am connected with other potters through time. I can literally put my fingertips in the impression left by theirs.

These works continue to engage today as they did when they were made. They speak on many levels. They are worth our study and preservation efforts. The skills and values expressed are admirable in any generation.

I suffer from the malady of liking too many things. Anyone who has been to my house can tell you that. I will introduce you to a range of 17th – 20th century pottery and porcelain from England, Europe, Russia, China and Japan. Though not global in the sense that our world is today, there was an interconnectedness between these different societies that can be seen in their ceramics.

I am learning the proper techniques and materials of museum style restoration. My skills as a potter are a good match for those needed by the restorer. I aim to restore damaged pieces in my custody to the highest standards as part of the research, attribution and documentation.

I am most drawn to figures but make exceptions. I will be presenting images and discussion of ceramics I have known and loved, stirred my imagination or become a jumping off point for my work.

I do my best to research the pieces. The research can become its own journey, taking you places you might never have encountered otherwise. You start to get a sense of history  connecting to the work. There is nothing like having one of your hunches confirmed by spotting that one marked example somewhere out there. I am not infallible. I make mistakes. I am sometimes given to romantic speculation. I also make some amazing finds and become better educated along the way.

I am not qualified to do valuations so please do not ask.

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