All, Studio


Transforming last week’s thrown cylinders into coffee mugs took longer than it used to. First the cylinders were trimmed, then the handles fitted and attached. I score and slip both the body and the handle in the places where they […]

All, Studio


Having to take a week off to look after my health gave me time to reflect on what I am doing. Throwing, not hand building, is the fastest and easiest way to generate form. That is where I should be […]

All, Studio


By the third day, the cup forms began to have the ‘effortless’ feeling I was after. They began to look as though they were shaped by some natural rhythm. In my mind, I see these cups glazed in soft shades […]

All, Studio


In 2018, the buy-nothing-live-simply-minimalist movement will continue to gain followers. That makes it pretty tough for people in the arts. For me, it means making basic functional work to survive. Where I see my recent glaze discoveries as summing up […]