All, Collector

Staffordshire Pottery Cats

This magnificent pair of Staffordshire Pottery Cats came together by luck and good fortune. They date to about 1835. The sponged version came first. It was listed as an “Old Pottery Cat” with a very modest opening bid. I recognized […]

All, Collector

Money to Burn Match Holder

While this was sold to me as a hat pin holder, I am more inclined to think it is another match holder in the form of a wealthy gentleman. Mid nineteenth century, continental Europe. His ample fur lined coat and […]

All, Studio


My thoughts at the beginning of the week were that I would make taller versions of the modules that were just fired as well as the models for three square vases that I promised to a client for next month. […]

All, Collector

K&C Prag Porcelain

This match holder and striker in the form of an elegant gentleman was made in Prague between 1838 and 1860. K&C PRAG was one of several prominent Bohemian porcelain factories of the 19th century. This example is clearly marked. When […]

All, Studio


The second round of stacking boxes fired without issue. Having the glaze stop further back made all the difference. Rare earths, a group of elements on the atomic scale, have made the world of micro technology possible. They are separated […]

All, Studio


The Animal Spirit Mugs have been glaze fired once or twice since last post. This type of fritted black underglaze causes glaze skips and other surface issues with some of the colours. That means touch ups and re-firing. The orange […]

All, Collector

Zurich Porcelain Biscuit Group

It took a few years for me to discover that this unglazed biscuit group was made by the Zurich Porcelain Manufactory. The model is by Johann Wilhelm Spengler and dates to 1775/1776. Johann Wilhelm Spengler, aka Johann Wilhelm Spängler, was […]

All, Studio


It took a few days for the cast pieces to dry. A final clean up with damp sponge and into the bisque. Unloaded both kilns yesterday. Besides the recently cast pieces, I am glazing some of the cat mugs and […]