All, Collector

Finding Flees Four

These last two erotic miniatures complete the group of four from the same unknown factory. Continental or Russian. Late nineteenth century. I thought at first the woman with her foot on the stool had no flees. I missed her’s until […]

All, Studio


I start any new batch of casting slip at the end of the day. First the water and the defloculent go into the barrel. Then the dry ingredients, lightest to heaviest. Then seal it with the lid and let it […]

All, Collector

Finding Flees Three

This erotic porcelain miniature was made in the late nineteenth century by the same unknown factory as the one posted last week. Continental or Russian. The pretext is once again a woman finding a flee on her body. More specifically […]

All, Studio


The foot-inset-lid forms were more of a struggle than I imagined. I forget how imprecise I really am. Took a few days to get what I was after. Spent the rest of week making the final versions ready for mould […]

All, Collector

Finding Flees Two

This erotic porcelain miniature is from the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Russian or Continental. The subject is a woman who has just found a flee in the folds of her robe. Right next to her ample bosom. She […]

All, Studio


I’ve spent the last couple of weeks playing with blocks. It started with those three small square bowls. I just couldn’t put them away. I started by turning them on end as an upright container. An idea was born. Turn […]

All, Collector

Finding Flees One

This erotic porcelain miniature is mid to late nineteenth century. Continental or Russian. A woman in a loose nightgown and cap has just spotted a flee on her shapely leg. Her eroticism is not about what she reveals. It is […]

All, Studio


A small project grew into something much bigger this week. I will tell you about it next post. Time to look at some of the recently fired plant pot sets. When I glazed the cylinder vases posted in January, I […]