• Kevin_Stafford_kbcs_20175_2

It took a couple days to get the under plate for the small planter right. Made three copies of the mould.

It seemed like a good idea to make a larger planter as well. I modified another found object by adding an extended foot, this time in plaster. It would have been a pretty nice form without the added foot but I have runny glazes to worry about. I need that buffer.

Splitting the plaster walls of these moulds has become second nature. It’s an incredibly fast and easy method once you get the hang of it.

The model for a larger under plate is ready to go. Hope to get to the mould today or tomorrow.

The more moulds I make, the less space I have to work in. I view them as something I will work with in the next four to six weeks. After that, they are gone.

I still need to look into whether or not a plaster board manufacturer might take these moulds as a raw material donation. They are made of high quality gypsum after all. Perfectly recyclable. Regardless, these are not legacy moulds. Their life is at most twenty copies each. The larger the form, the fewer the number of copies before the moulds will be disposed of. These moulds are an easy do over if the need arises.

There are still a couple larger plastic cylinders I want to mould. One is so large I do not imagine ever making more than a few copies. It will just be too expensive to produce very many. Certain colours are very pricey. I don’t know if I can resist the opportunity to see at least some of the new glaze colours over such a broad surface. It will be something to behold as a finished product.

My plans for this week is to keep making moulds. Even as I type this I worry by making the biggest cylinder into a mould, I might be filling up what little table space I have left. A wise person would hold off until these other moulds were out of the way before adding a huge one into the mix. Am I wise person? That depends on where this week goes.