• Kevin_Stafford_kbcs_1737_5

It is a relief to be done glazing and firing for now. A month is long enough. While I am thrilled with the many discoveries made along the way, I am glad to be done. Ready to move on.

When I was casting these forms, I mentioned that the thickness of the walls might cause an issue in the firing. I consider myself lucky to have lost only three of the larger forms. Two cracked in the bisque and one in the glaze firing. Mind you I didn’t cast them quite so thickly after the first round.

A certain anticlimactic feeling that comes over me in the post firing period. I put all my energy into completing the task but once it’s done I am left feeling drained. Time to take stock of where I’m at, clean up the mess the studio has become and make room in the basement to store some of the moulds. Then there’s another batch of casting slip to get started on if for no other reason than to get the bags off the floor. It’s looking like a week of grunt work.

A part of me longs for the days I used to spend throwing on the wheel. It seems so idyllic to me now. It’s been two or three years since I last sat at the wheel other than for teaching. Maybe this is the time to throw some coffee mugs. Of coarse that’s days away at best. I might have other ideas by then.