• Kevin_Stafford_kbcs_31_2

Maybe there is something to be said in favour of getting your work made in China. The technical frustrations can be the problem of others. Just be the idea person who gets the credit… All kinds of thoughts go through your head when the work does not go right. Then, it’s the making and learning that keeps me going. I am not about to give that up.

There are some good qualities about the first furry sculptures fired but they are not at a level where I wish to show them yet. The figures, trees and bench all stood up well.  Not the bases though. They could not take the weight of the tree concentrated in one area. Major cracking ensued. There were some poor glaze choices as well. I really should have looked at last summer’s test tiles instead of going by memory for the green. My idea of making fur glazes without the darks was not a good one. I find the bench a bit bland. These issues can all be solved.

The cat heads had their issues also. Nothing so major that I can’t show them but still ones that need to be dealt with. I reworked elements in the surfaces of both moulds to make the future copies better.

You might remember that I intended the large heads to be light sconces. That idea has not worked out as yet. This first round of heads should be seen as wall masks only.

Just a few images this week. Still much too busy to be dealing with process shots.

I hope to see some of you locals this Thursday night at Crea8ery from 7:00 to 10:00 P.M. My partners and I from the Stoneware Gallery will be presenting “474 Years of Clay” (the title reflects our years of collective experience). I would love to see you there.