• Kevin_Stafford_kbcs_34_1

As ironic as it might seem for someone who writes so much, one of my greatest foibles is that I don’t write dates down. They are always in my head and quite often wrong. Here I am again with just over a week to pull together the Edge show. Same scenario as a few weeks ago.

Last week’s post was my wish list. With the show opening September 2, I can only do so much.

The revised plan is to have a three piece garniture set with the cat furry in the middle. Trees with trash cans on either side.

This past Saturday was my greenware deadline. The cat masks are coming out of the bisque today. The rest of the work goes in tomorrow. Made cookies for everything. I am so glad Adrian taught me how to toss even slabs. Getting the slab roller clear was not happening without another organization day. Have the dehumidifier and fans going to speed up the drying. Finishing the greenware clean up today. Crossing my fingers I can get everything dry by tomorrow. Just enough parts to make the set. No room for mistakes.

Mixing the list of adjusted glazes I outlined last week. Took a couple of the dark glazes from a few weeks ago and turned them into polymer glaze. They have dried but still need till need to be ground and sorted. One of them is the top glaze with polymer additives I used on the black cat. When it is ground, it will already have those previous polymers built in. A kind of all in one additive.

Planning to have a photo component to this show. Going through the project pics from the beginning. Looking to select the most interesting for a feature wall.

A lot of work to do in a short space of time. Again.