• Russian_Porcelain_Wanderer_Dog_4

These Rustic Wanderers were made by a Russian Private factory in the early 19th century. The larger has an incised ‘II’ underneath. The smaller has an incised mark that was used by the Gardner Factory between 1800 and 1850.

The Gardner Factory may well have produced both but I cannot be certain. Like the Popov Shepherd from weeks back, more than one factory could have produced it. Regardless, the quality of the larger example is exceptional. If not the work of the Gardner Factory, then Kornilov or Popov.

Both versions are complex to produce.The smaller looks to have been assembled from about sixteen parts and the larger about eighteen. Hard to know sometimes whether some parts were made in fewer moulds with more pieces or assembled from several simpler moulds. There are always choices about how to do these things. I count them as if I were going to make them — not that I could or would. It just helps me put my own work in perspective.

The larger wanderer is pretty much my favourite ‘guy with a dog’ figure. You’ve got to love that pooch! I also love the way the fur has been expressed in enamel on both the dog and the young man’s vest. The dry brushing technique is most effective.

Smaller Rustic Wanderer 13.1 cm in height.

Larger Rustic Wanderer 25.5 cm in height.