• Kbcs_Porcelain_Winnipeg_1821_1

Throwing the mug forms has become a consistent routine. I take a 400 gram ball of porcelain and centre it on a plaster bat. Then open, compress the bottom and raise the walls in two or three pulls. Trim the excess at the foot. Draw banded landscape around the form. Finish off with a chamois to the lip.

On the second day of throwing, I pushed the act of drawing the shapes into the surface to the point where there would be a direct response from the underlying form. The mugs got a lot more interesting.

Will document the trimming process next time around but would still like to discuss. I wanted a band of chatter marks around each foot. Some mugs were more responsive to the idea than others. My favourites ares the ones that chattered the loudest. These bands represent farmer’s fields, open grasslands or reeds at the water’s edge in these imaginary land/riverscapes.

A squat version of the mug is next. Another opportunity to push around porcelain. Scaled to those who would prefer a smaller cup of coffee.